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Hyde Park Bar and Grill WestGate

I am so happy to announce a show of works at Hyde Park Westgate in south Austin! The show is up for a month, stop by for dinner and to view the works. A tentative opening is scheduled for May 21st, check back soon to confirm!

The show included some pieces I have not shown often, including Gemini, and there a few new pieces as well!

This also means I’ll be hanging some larger pieces at my studio for the next Open Canopy happening on May 6th 1-4pm. I can not be at this one, but Caroline will be holding down the fort at studio 119 in Bldg 1 at 916 Springdale Rd, Canopy Arts complex.

December 3

First Saturday Open Canopy

November 11

Tree Garden Gallery for Austin Studio Tour, 2023